Why Now?

Mike speaking at an Christian education conference

Mike Simmonds has been in Christian ministry for over 30 years.  Preaching and Bible teaching has always been a significant feature since his late teens until more recently.

Features of the past

  • one off preaching engagements, mostly on Sundays across denominations
  • continuity preaching over a two to four weeks, sometimes four or five months spread over a year
  • preaching evangelistically
  • bible teaching, mostly of an expository nature, especially when more than one service
  • leading and speaking at church weekends on bespoke themes relevant to the Church
  • always seeking to be biblical
  • usually drawing on contemporary issues, news, current events, film and tv
  • mostly accompanied/enhanced by high quality graphics projected (Mike was probably one of, if not the first, to use such visuals in the UK church)

Why now?

For the past few years Mike has been supporting leadership in schools, mostly church schools.  Providing support, counsel and participating in the decisions and running of schools, he has worked with headteachers, senior leaders and governance boards.  He has sought to be a transforming influence and bring christian thinking into each context. As a consultant he has and continues to participate in training programmes, in Diocese and Liverpool Hope University and written a Grove Book on Church School Governance.  For more go to the GO Ministries Ltd website.

This ‘ministry’ has been all consuming but that must and is beginning to change. Having reached a milestone age and anticipating a new season of ministry Mike has been challenged by God to:

‘restore my vision, calling and ministry of the proclamation of the gospel and teaching of the Bible’

My longing is to  have a manageable diary of opportunities on:

  • Sundays
  • Church Weekends and conferences
  • Special outreach events

I have availability in 2021 and beyond.  I need church leaders and those who book speakers to consider initiating a conversation that could involve me serving their church and God in this vital ministry of preaching.

I long to get back to helping congregations understand the Bible from what I have studied, prepared and got excited about, what Peter Mead has described as ‘The Quest’:

“Once you have prayed, wrestled, tried, failed, corrected and tried again, you may eventually arrive at a golden destination: an understanding of the text’s details in context.”
See more

I will fit into your preaching schedule or seek the Lord for a passage of scripture that will, I’d pray have resonance with the church.  For series and weekends it might be helpful to have an exploratory conversation before deciding on themes, bible passages etc.  I am based in South Essex, am willing to travel (asking that you cover an milage as usual HMI rates) and provide an honorarium of your choosing.

Contact me to initiate conversation.